The blog is to help users about sql server




Thursday 26 December 2013

December 26, 2013

Grouping,Grouping Set,Grouping_Id how interesting it is

create table #temp1
id int,
year1 int,
count1 int

--drop table #temp1

insert into #temp1 values (1,2001,200)
insert into #temp1 values (1,2001,500)
insert into #temp1 values (1,2001,300)
insert into #temp1 values (1,2002,500)
insert into #temp1 values (1,2002,300)
insert into #temp1 values (1,2003,500)
insert into #temp1 values (1,2003,300)

insert into #temp1 values (2,2001,200)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2001,700)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2002,1100)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2002,200)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2002,700)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2002,1100)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2003,200)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2003,700)
insert into #temp1 values (2,2003,1100)

insert into #temp1 values (3,2001,500)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2001,1500)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2001,1000)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2001,500)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2002,1500)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2002,1000)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2003,500)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2003,1500)
insert into #temp1 values (3,2003,1000)
select id,year1,sum(count1)
from #temp1
group by id,year1
with rollup



select id,year1,sum(count1)
from #temp1
group by id,year1
with cube


select id,year1,sum(count1)
from #temp1
group by grouping sets((id,year1),())


case when grouping(id)=0 then id
else 100 end as id,
from #temp1
group by grouping sets((id,year1),())

select id,
case when
then year1
then 100
then 300 end as year1,
grouping(id) as grouping_id1,
grouping(year1)as grouping_year1,
grouping_id(id,year1) as grouping_id_column
from #temp1
group by id,year1
with rollup

Sunday 22 December 2013

December 22, 2013

Getting Distinct rows and deleting duplicate rows smartly from the table.

create table #duplicaterows

id int,
name varchar(50)


insert into #duplicaterows
select 200,'anurag'
union all select 200,'anurag'
union all select 200,'anurag'
union all select 100,'abhi'
union all select 100,'abhi'
union all select 250,'mukesh'
union all select 250,'mukesh'

select * from #duplicaterows

-->how to get the distinct rows from table

select *
from #duplicaterows

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1
where c1.row =
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id=c1.id and c1.name=c2.name


the best way to understand the above query is
1)first thing we don't have identity column. Use cte and create row number for the table.
2)Then correlated query. [imagine both tables as below]. Now both tables are created as c1 and c2
3)now we will selecting max row from cte(c1) [comparing with cte(c2) fetching maximum one] 

--cte c1

--cte c2

--Fetching 2,5,7 (the max one)

so output is :

------------Trick 2: ------------------------------------
;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(partition by id order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1
where c1.row =
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id=c1.id and c1.name=c2.name


Lets understand this

1)after partition
;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(partition by id order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1

2)selecting the max row individually for the matching id using corrleated query(the inner query).

where c1.row =
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id=c1.id and c1.name=c2.name

Trick 1:

So the main table is :

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1

So if we can delete the the id -->2, id-->(3,4), id (6). Then we can delete the duplicate rows. 
In the inner query where we get the max. So if outer query is less than that max ==> delete. 
Means for example

: : three anurag is there.

Delete anurag from the base table 
(outer query) whose id is < (inner query) the max id of anurag[5].

so 3 and 4 will be deleted.

The final query will be like this :

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
delete from cte 
where row <
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id= cte.id and cte.name=c2.name

select  * from #duplicaterows

Trick 2:

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(partition by id order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows

delete from cte where row >1 

--Kindly give feedback if it helped you.

Saturday 21 December 2013

December 21, 2013

Unicode vs Ascii in sql server

select unicode('A')--65
select unicode('a')--97
select unicode('Abfdgdfg')--65
select unicode('12')--49

select ascii('A')--65
select ascii('a')--97
select ascii('Abfdgdfg')--65
select ascii('12')--49

select substring('anurag',3,3)--ura
select UNICODE(SUBSTRING('anurag', 3, 3));--117
select ascii(SUBSTRING('anurag', 3, 3))--117

 SELECT PATINDEX('%en_ure%', 'please ensure the door is locked');--8
 SELECT PATINDEX('%l%', 'please ensure the door is locked');--2
 SELECT PATINDEX('%do%', 'please ensure the door is locked');--19

December 21, 2013

Quotename in sql

create table #quotetable

 name varchar(100)


insert into #quotetable
select 'Anurag'

select quotename(name) from #quotetable-----[Anurag]
select quotename(name,'<') from #quotetable--<Anurag>
select quotename(name,'(') from #quotetable--(Anurag)
select quotename(name,'"') from #quotetable--"Anurag"

Friday 20 December 2013

December 20, 2013

How To Calculate Cummulative Sum

create table cummulativetable

salary int


insert into cummulativetable values(100)
insert into cummulativetable values(200)
insert into cummulativetable values(300)
insert into cummulativetable values(400)
insert into cummulativetable values(500)

select * from cummulativetable

----------------------------USING CTE-------------------------------
;with cte(rownumber,salary)
select row_number() over( order by salary) as rownumber,salary
from cummulativetable
select rownumber,salary,
select sum(salary)
cte c1
where c1.rownumber <= c2.rownumber

from cte c2

Trick 2 :

;with cte(rownumber,salary)
select row_number() over( order by salary) as rownumber,salary
from cummulativetable
    select rownumber,salary,
select sum(salary)
cte c1
where c1.rownumber <= c2.rownumber
    from cte c2

select * from cte1

Trick 3:
declare @salary int
declare @total int
set @total=0;
declare cur_cummulative cursor 
select salary from cummulativetable
update of [cummulativesum]
open cur_cummulative 
fetch next from cur_cummulative into @salary

while @@fetch_status=0
set @total+=@salary
update cummulativetable set cummulativesum=@total 
--where current of cur_cummulative
--where salary=@salary
--current of cur_cummulative

fetch next from cur_cummulative into @salary

select * from cummulativetable

close cur_cummulative
deallocate cur_cummulative

Both works...I have commented...you can use any one of it.
---.>update cummulativetable set cummulativesum=@total       where current of cur_cummulative
--->update cummulativetable set cummulativesum=@total  where salary=@salary
