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Sunday 22 December 2013

Getting Distinct rows and deleting duplicate rows smartly from the table.

create table #duplicaterows

id int,
name varchar(50)


insert into #duplicaterows
select 200,'anurag'
union all select 200,'anurag'
union all select 200,'anurag'
union all select 100,'abhi'
union all select 100,'abhi'
union all select 250,'mukesh'
union all select 250,'mukesh'

select * from #duplicaterows

-->how to get the distinct rows from table

select *
from #duplicaterows

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1
where c1.row =
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id=c1.id and c1.name=c2.name


the best way to understand the above query is
1)first thing we don't have identity column. Use cte and create row number for the table.
2)Then correlated query. [imagine both tables as below]. Now both tables are created as c1 and c2
3)now we will selecting max row from cte(c1) [comparing with cte(c2) fetching maximum one] 

--cte c1

--cte c2

--Fetching 2,5,7 (the max one)

so output is :

------------Trick 2: ------------------------------------
;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(partition by id order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1
where c1.row =
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id=c1.id and c1.name=c2.name


Lets understand this

1)after partition
;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(partition by id order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1

2)selecting the max row individually for the matching id using corrleated query(the inner query).

where c1.row =
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id=c1.id and c1.name=c2.name

Trick 1:

So the main table is :

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
select * from cte c1

So if we can delete the the id -->2, id-->(3,4), id (6). Then we can delete the duplicate rows. 
In the inner query where we get the max. So if outer query is less than that max ==> delete. 
Means for example

: : three anurag is there.

Delete anurag from the base table 
(outer query) whose id is < (inner query) the max id of anurag[5].

so 3 and 4 will be deleted.

The final query will be like this :

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows
delete from cte 
where row <
select max(c2.row) from cte c2 
where c2.id= cte.id and cte.name=c2.name

select  * from #duplicaterows

Trick 2:

;with cte(row,id,name)
select row_number() over(partition by id order by id) as row,*  from #duplicaterows

delete from cte where row >1 

--Kindly give feedback if it helped you.

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